Infidelity – why can it happen when we don’t think it’s right?

Following Michaela’s interviews on several BBC Regional Radio stations, we thought we’d reflect on the tricky subject of infidelity and the findings of a morality survey conducted by the BBC which found that 3 in 5 adults (60%) who say they have been unfaithful to their partner also say it’s never acceptable to cheat. So […]
New term, new year, Christmas is coming!

For us, rhythms of life are pretty much dictated by the school year, not just because we have children but because Nick is a teacher! So, the new school year can be a time of reflection for us personally. However, the idea of reflection at certain times of the year is a great idea for […]
‘Date Nights’ and what is real Intimacy?

As couples, simply getting out of the house, away from chores, demands of family life and going on an actual date can seem unnecessary and perhaps tricky to organise. However, we did just that recently and want to tell you why we think it’s so important for couples and why we plan to make sure […]