Marriage Week 2019: 'Recipe for a Healthy Marriage.'
2019’s UK National Marriage Week took place between the 13th – 19th May. Our theme was ‘Recipe for a Healthy Marriage’ and was all about having the right ingredients for a healthy marriage. The six ‘relationship ingredients’ we focused on were:
Why kindness
Why communication
Why friendship
Why intimacy
All of our resources are still available online for you to use and enjoy and to help you strengthen your marriage!
Here are a few of the highlights of ‘Recipe for a Healthy Marriage’ – Marriage Week 2019!
Our biggest ever engagement on our social media platforms with particular enjoyment of our series of videos covering the six relationship ingredients.
Huge amount of coverage in the media, including articles in the Telegraph, The Daily Mail and Church times as well as radio interviews and programmes throughout the entire week.
We launched our brand new podcast- The M Word- hosted by Nick and Michaela Hyde. They talk all things marriage!
A campaign launch event at the House of Lords, joined by our excellent Marriage Week ambassadors, partners, supporters and press.
A Westminster Hall debate in the House of Commons, secured by Fiona Bruce MP
Marriage Week 2019 Resources
As part of Marriage Week 2019 we offered you all kind of recipes. Recipes are not just for food, but for all kinds of things to think about as you invest in your marriage.
Marriage and relationship courses and resources are a fantastic way of showing your commitment to each other. To show our commitment to you, we’ve asked our partners to provide you access to some free course material so that you can start investing in your relationship today!

Churches have long recognised the need to invest in marriages. Both of couples in congregations and those in the wider communities that the local church exists within. Investing in marriages strengthens the individuals, the relationships and the community. It helps prevents potential heart-ache, distress and long term damage for both the adults and children involved.