Actress & Influencer, Khafi, launches Premier Gospel’s new ‘Naked Love Podcast’ with Theo Manderson
This blog was originally written for Premier Radio’s website and has been reproduced here for the Marriage Week 2021 campaign. The author of this blog is Akosua DF, a Premier Gospel Presenter. National Marriage Week is coming up and Premier Gospel coincidentally has a brand-new relationship podcast launching that same week, Monday 10th May. Presented by […]
How ‘naked weddings’ could help reduce the ‘marriage gap’
According to our new survey of 2,000 young adults for Marriage Week 10-16 May 2021, nearly one in three 18-30s say they would be more likely to marry if costs weren’t so high. This affects the poorest most. The time is now for our campaign for cheaper stripped-back ‘naked’ weddings. According to something call Hitched, […]
When will the government back young adults’ aspiration to marry?
For at least two decades, I have been a strong advocate for marriage, not out of some sense of loyalty to outdated traditions, but because the psychology of marriage and the evidence about the effects of marriage go so strongly with the grain of human nature. Study after study suggests that marriage works more than […]