This close to the end of 2019, today’s podcast had to have a new year focus! However, what this episode isn’t about is setting ourselves up to fail with unrealistic New Year Resolutions – that list of things that that we think we ought to do rather than realistic plans for real change! What we do discuss is the importance of reflection when it comes to marriage and relationships, whether that be at the end of the year or any other time that you choose as a couple. Considering what has been working well to build on more and what needs to change and being intentional about those changes. Happy New Year!
The M Word is presented by Michaela and Nick Hyde. They talk openly and honestly about the highs and the lows of marriage and relationships, including theirs. This podcast is for you whether you think marriage is a good idea or if you don’t, either way it is for everyone who thinks that making a relationship work and last, like most things in life, is worth the effort.