New term, new year, Christmas is coming!
For us, rhythms of life are pretty much dictated by the school year, not just because we have children but because Nick is a teacher! So, the new school year can be a time of reflection for us personally. However, the idea of reflection at certain times of the year is a great idea for […]
Celebrities and Marriage!
Celebrities are often seen as successful, as though they’ve made it (whatever ‘making it’ really means anyway!). Yet, when it comes to marriage and relationships, they don’t have the best reputation for doing a particularly good job. Why is that the case and do you know how much greater the chance of divorce is for […]
Holidays, shared bank accounts and patriarchy!
It’s smack in the middle of the holiday season and so today’s ‘The M Word’, has a distinctly holiday feel about it as we reflect on our family holiday, how it impacts on our relationship and why we think having a break is important. We’ll also be talking about Michaela’s recent radio interview on the […]
Anniversaries -Should we celebrate milestones?
Are anniversaries and milestones in a relationship really that important? If you’re still together and nothing has really changed, is there any point? Isn’t it just another marketing ploy of big card manufacturers, making us feel guilty if we don’t even buy a card to celebration our love?! Or is the previous statement, simply the […]
Public Displays of Affection – good or bad?
Do public displays of affection melt your heart or do they make you think yuck?! Do you and your partner think they are a good idea or a bad idea? Do you have a difference of opinion on this matter and how do you manage that? Do we really need to display our affection in […]
‘Date Nights’ and what is real Intimacy?
As couples, simply getting out of the house, away from chores, demands of family life and going on an actual date can seem unnecessary and perhaps tricky to organise. However, we did just that recently and want to tell you why we think it’s so important for couples and why we plan to make sure […]
Is there a wrong age to marry? And the art of communication
Too young, too old, does it really matter how old you are when you get married? We discuss a listener’s question on this very topic and we’ll be delving into communication in a relationship, looking at the clichés but knowing there’s a lot of truth in them!
Apple Strudel, Shoe Horns & Pressing the Reset Button
Today, we talk about our Viennese experience and we don’t mean the whirly buttery biscuit treat, although food does feature! We’ll also be delving into the relationship ingredient – forgiveness and why it’s important to both of us.
Is Eating as Important as Sex?
The UK National Marriage Week has come to an end and it’s been a very exciting week! Today we reflect on all of the activity and discuss two pieces of research that have been released to coincide with Marriage Week. One of them leads us on to the cheeky title of this podcast!
Comedy, Cocktails and Karmasutra Curry – UK National Marriage Week 2019
What has comedy, cocktails and Karmasutra curry got to do with the UK National Marriage Week? Find out on today’s episode and how you and your partner (married or not) can join in with this national celebration with an exclusive interview with the coordinator!